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The DSOne SDHC is one of the SuperCard team's later flashcarts, with some uncommon features like RTS (Real Time Save), and an in-game menu. EvolutionOS, the flashcart's stock kernel, is compatible with nearly all DS games and romhacks, so it is fairly reliable.

Unfortunately, some DSOne carts have faulty PSRAM, which causes EvolutionOS to not work on those carts due to EOS relying on the PSRAM to function. These carts can use YSMenu instead to retain basic DS game loading functionality, but will not have access to EvolutionOS-exclusive functionality like RTS.

Setup Guide:

  1. Format the SD card you are using by following the formatting tutorial.

  2. Download the Evolution OS SP6 kernel.

  3. Open/extract the zip file, and copy the contents into the root of your SD card.

  4. If you'd like to be able to use cheats on your games, download a cheat database.

  5. You will need the usrcheat.7z file. Extract it using 7-Zip, inside you will find a usrcheat.dat file. Copy this file into the _dsone folder on your SD card.

  6. Create a Games folder in your SD card root, and place your .nds game ROMs inside. You can also create additional folders to help with organizing/categorizing your ROMs.

  7. Insert the SD card back into your cart, plug the cart into your DS, and see if it boots into the menu.


If you'd like to learn more about the various options and functionality found in EvolutionOS, check out the DSOne Manual!

  1. Format the SD card you are using by following the formatting tutorial.

  2. Download the RetroGameFan YSMenu 7.06 kernel.

  3. Extract the YSMenu .7z file you downloaded using 7-Zip, then go into the DSONEi SDHC YSMenu folder.

  4. From this folder, copy the following files/folders to your SD card root:

    • Games folder

    • TTMenu folder

    • SCFW.SC

    • TTMenu.dat

  5. Place any .nds game ROMs you'd like to play into the Games folder.

  6. Insert the SD card back into your cart, plug the cart into your DS, and see if it boots into the menu.