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DSTT/i & Clones (and many clones)

Setup Guide:

Compatibility Info

See YSMenu Compatibility List's DSTTi-Clone YSMenu section for a full list of compatible carts.

  1. Format the SD card you are using by following the formatting tutorial.

  2. Download the RetroGameFan YSMenu 7.06 kernel.

  3. Extract the YSMenu .7z file you downloaded using 7-Zip, then go into the DSTTi-Clone YSMenu folder.

  4. From this folder, copy the following files/folders to your SD card root:

    • Games folder

    • TTMenu folder

    • TTMenu.dat

  5. Some DSTTi clones load from a boot file other than TTMenu.dat. Find your flashcart in the YSMenu compatibility list by searching the page (CTRL+F) for the URL listed on your cart's label.

    • If your cart is listed as needing an extra boot file, make copies of the TTMenu.dat file on your SD card root, then rename the copy appropriately.

    • Note that in all cases, TTMenu.dat still needs to be on your SD for soft-reset to function. Do not remove it.

  6. Place any .nds game ROMs you'd like to play into the Games folder.

  7. Insert the SD card back into your cart, plug the cart into your DS, and see if it boots into the menu.